Boosting Local SEO with Effective Landing Pages Using Local SEO Experts

Local SEO Experts

Local landing pages often go unnoticed in the world of SEO, but they play a crucial role in helping businesses rank for local search terms. In this guide, we will explore the significance of creating separate local landing pages for various locations and how SEO expert services can make a difference for your business. Let’s dive into local SEO and discover why location pages matter.

Understanding the Purpose of Location Pages

Location pages serve as the digital representation of your physical business locations. They come in 4 primary types:

  1. Location Detail Page: These pages represent the specific address of your business.
  2. Location Service/Department Page: Focuses on a particular service or department category available at a specific location.
  3. City Page: Represents a city where various physical locations are situated.
  4. State Page: Represents a state where various physical locations are located.


Depending on your industry, SEO expert services would suggest needing County Pages or other localized pages to cater to your audience. Service area businesses should consider creating City Pages for the areas they serve. These pages help target local organic search engine results and enhance the relevance of your Google Business Profile.

The Importance of Location Pages for SEO

Location pages may seem simple, but they can significantly impact your brand’s SEO efforts. They are designed for two types of search queries:

  • Brand Queries: These are crucial for showing up on Google when users search for your brand. As many SEO expert services will warn, without a dedicated location page, Google may display your homepage or other third-party pages, affecting your control over your brand’s online presence.
  • Non-Brand Local Queries: This is done to attract potential customers who may not be familiar with your brand but are looking for specific products or services in a particular area. Location pages help multi-location businesses rank for these high-value queries in organic search results.


Location pages also serve as a valuable source of external links, contributing to your site’s authority and improving your overall SEO performance.

Impact on Local Pack Rankings

Linking your Google Business Profile to a location page is a critical ranking factor for Local Packs. SEO expert services often refer to tests showing that incorrect linking can negatively affect rankings, emphasizing the importance of precise link placement. Additionally, homepage location data may have more authority than the location page, so testing is essential to determine which works better for your GBP.

Key Elements of a Well-Optimized Location Page

To ensure your location pages are SEO-friendly, consider these essential elements:

  • Name, Address, Phone Number: Ensure that your location page’s NAP information matches your GBP details. Consistency is crucial for local SEO success.
  • Structured Data: Implement LocalBusiness schema to mark up NAP elements and use other relevant schemas for more specific business categories. SEO expert services often show how oganizational schema can help manage multiple related brands effectively.
  • Targeted Meta Data: Optimize the title tag and H1 header to include the business name and location. Experiment with additional targeting to enhance performance, especially for “near me” searches.

Engagement Features: Include calls-to-action, such as appointment scheduling and online ordering, to enhance the page’s usefulness to visitors.

Advanced Location Page SEO

Depending on who you ask and their knowledge, location page SEO is something other than rocket science. It requires attention to detail and commitment to ongoing improvements. Here are some advanced tactics that can boost your location pages’ performance:

  • Optimized Copy: SEO expert services start with a basic copy that explains your business and its services. Test unique, location-specific copy to see how it affects rankings.
  • Mention Points of Interest: Incorporate relevant “Points of Interest” (POIs) to make your page more relevant for specific queries. Mentioning neighborhoods and nearby attractions can improve your page’s relevance.
  • Link to Nearby Locations: For multi-location businesses, linking to nearby locations from your location pages helps Google discover them. It also signals relevance to the target area.
  • Use Topically Relevant Media: Adding images and videos related to your business can improve rankings. Ensure that Google’s Vision API understands the content of your media.
  • Link to Product/Service Category Pages: Linking your location pages to relevant category pages can positively impact your rankings.
  • Add Local Reviews: Incorporating customer reviews, especially those from the page’s target area, can improve page performance. SEO expert services regularly update review feeds that may encourage Google to prioritize that specific page.
  • Showcase Your Team: Including images of your local team members can enhance engagement and trust with potential customers.
  • Include Additional Information: Consider adding philanthropic activities, local sponsorships, hiring information, pricing details, business licenses, and trust signals like BBB accreditation to improve engagement.

Leveraging Google Merchant Center Data

For businesses running product listing ads, Google Merchant Center data can provide valuable insights. SEO expert services often review the “Local Surfaces” report to identify products with high impressions and click-through rates connected to your GBP. Featuring these products on your location pages can enhance conversions.


Local landing pages are a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their local SEO rankings. By having us at SEO Experts create well-optimized, engaging location pages and implementing advanced SEO tactics, we can strengthen your online presence and attract more local customers. This is why SEO expert services are pivotal in crafting effective location pages that drive results for your business. Don’t underestimate the potential of location pages in your SEO strategy – they can make a significant difference in your local search rankings. Schedule your Free SEO Analysis today!

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